Clients will set their custom goals with me after our Discovery Session.
The overarching goal is to be your best - however it is you define it.
professional business person
who wants to do better
know they need coaching help
values coaching help
wants to work at being their best
Durham, United States
14 years experience
Still need more clarity? Here are answers to some commonly asked questions.
During our initial Discovery Session, I will outline the details of my paid coaching program. I have found that it typically takes 4 months (which is 3 sessions per month, one per week taking one week off each month for integration) for clients to see real change. The sessions are 45 minutes in length and take place over Zoom. Client receive support and feedback on progress, as well as assignments relevant to goals.
My coaching programs are fluid and flexible. Clients have the reins and if other more pressing issues arise, we can certainly address and work with them along with the stated goals and even over and above the original stated goals.