Learn to sit with what is.
Become less reactive.
Find the space between the stimulus and the response.
Find more joy in everyday life.
This meditation class is for anyone and everyone
We publish only verified reviews from clients who have booked through the platform.
November 2022Anne
April 2022Durham, United States
14 years experience
Still need more clarity? Here are answers to some commonly asked questions.
Thank you for asking this question. It's the most commonly asked question about meditation. One important thing about meditation is beginner's mind - always coming 'to the cushion' or to a session not knowing. We sit to focus our mind on the breath in Vipassana or Insight meditation so that we can become aware of what is happening right here right now in our bodies, our minds, and our hearts. Then we notice what is happening, we want to turn toward it with loving awareness and no judgment.
Great question. Everyone, even the most practiced meditators will tell you that their mind wanders. That is the practice - to notice the wandering mind and begin again. You might even say, 'thinking, planning, remembering' or whatever it is you notice your mind is doing when you become aware. And then return to the breath.
This is a common concern. Whenever anything arises in meditation that feels like too much, it's important to come back to the breath or even breathing into a stronger anchor like the hands, feet, and belly to feel grounded in the body. Being in a group where you are being guided is a safe place to practice meditation.
Everyone shares when they want to and no one is ever forced to share. The group space is safe and confidential.